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Insights by Cathay


Inspiration for Your Business and Life

A couple sips coffee and tracks the foreign currency exchange value over a mobile application before they travel abroad.

A Comprehensive Guide to Foreign Currency Exchange

Are you running an international business or preparing to travel abroad? You’ll need to swap out your local money for foreign currency. But what’s the most efficient and cost-effective way to do this? Use this blog to guide converting U.S. dollars to foreign currencies and vice versa. Keep reading
U.S. and China flags

U.S.-China 2019 Annual Economic Report

U.S. and China transition from strategic engagement to strategic competition. Cathay Bank | UCLA Anderson Forecast. Keep reading
U.S. and China flags
Shanghai and new york landscape

U.S.-China Report 2018 Q3 Update

Economic analysis on the current and future outlook between the U.S. and China. Cathay Bank | UCLA Anderson Forecast. Keep reading
Shanghai and new york landscape
Shanghai and new york landscape

U.S.-China 2018 Annual Economic Report

Economic impact on trade tensions between America First and The China Dream. Cathay Bank | UCLA Anderson Forecast. Keep reading
Shanghai and new york landscape